Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6th

I promised to tell you about my flight from Malaysia to Heathrow. So, we boarded and I had the last seat at the back - aisle seat of a pair. As i reached up to adjust the airflow a revelation! George Clooney but younger and with dark chocolate eyes and a voice to match....phew... introduced himself and asked if he could assist with the air nozzle. 'Sarah, I too like air.' He was my co-sitter for the 13 hour flight!!Somehow I introduced into the conversation early on that I was an atheist or at least a passionate believer in nature and that hooked him. (hint to all) He was as delightful to talk to as to look at. His attention to personal breath hygene via a little spray immediately charming. We talked about everything including his love for London where he has spent most of his life and how he loves nothing better than to lose himself in the streets and discover new places.

Look, I'm not doing him justice because I can't. It was just like having a huge box of chocolates to choose for 13 hours. When I asked him what he did for a crust he hesitated and then said with a touch of shame(?) but a smile of wondrous brightness 'I am a womaniser' See I took that to mean he loved the company of women. Through the thirteen hours it became obvious that he lost concentration everytime a woman moved into his vision; it was as if he rebooted each time. So we discussed the joys of making love AND I almost feel that I should stop here and prolong things but I am a newie to blogs so I won't take the risk that you'll never return.

Well he asked if I would like him to take me on a walk of his London followed by a lie in his bed. I squirm as I remember that I asked if the sheets would be clean. I loved the fun of it all. I knew he was 40 and he knew I was 60 plus I was wearing my floppy bra and bib shirt incase of spills. He suggested we might do this straight off the plane rather than try and arrange a later more convenient time but I didn't accept. Don't know why. Later through the long night I remember thinking 'Clean sheets, what about condoms for god's sake woman!!' He stroked my serviceable jeans under our airline covers - thankgoodness the trousers were soft velour. Then he fell asleep.  When we were ending the journey I thanked him for a great trip and he looked at me and said 'this is the end!' and that I was to tell no-one of our encounter.

As we went backwards and forwards through the immigration maze we kept meeting and I dropped my eyes trying to respect his need for privacy until at the last turn I glanced demurely up and he gave me an enormous wink.

I looked away. Smell you later. xxxxx

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